In an effort to help readers get a little more clarity on issues concerning Africa, I've enlisted the help of Bono. I suppose he can be considered a provocative icon when it comes to African causes, however the trends and results of what he's worked on are positive and pretty much indisputable. This is certainly not intended to be an "African Gospel according to Bono", but I do hope it helps folks to see that Africa…
We see and hear something about the horrific conditions in Darfur on an almost daily basis. So why do these reports become background noise to us, like the previous day's NHL scores? Are we over-saturated? Maybe its the distance. Those faraway events we can brush off as, "It's not in our backyard so it doesn't affect us". Maybe it's the "they don't look like us" rationale. Maybe the clothing looks too Arabic so we…
I really needed to post something, simply because I can't stand seeing that picture of "The Dog" leading off my blog. Maybe his extended 15 minutes of fame are finally up. Time for something completely different. After living in Phoenix for over 10 years I would like to say, enough "Southwestern Style" already, enough tiled roofs, enough new construction! I may have done a 180…
I missed Duane "Dog" Chapman's appearance on Hannity & Colmes last night...actually I never wanted to see it in the first place. However, just like having to gawk at a car wreck, I took a peek at a follow-up article on And there it was. I tip my cap to his "handlers". With enablers like Hannity, et. al, I would say ol' Dog should…
Random thoughts & observations.... Duane "Dog" Chapman's obscenity laced taped phone conversation has unleashed (again) the typical "vultures of talk"; and their deliciously pecking of every maggoty morsel left from his road-killed carrion. Before you pass judgment against the son that likely "ratted him out", consider that there is not much more of a hurt then to be spurned by a parent- except maybe a cheating spouse. As for…