See ya 2014

Time to say good-bye to 2014. Almost everything that could have happened did happen. Well yes that’s an exaggeration, but it was a roller coaster ride of a year. The year started with an escape from frigid Wisconsin, as we arrived back in the desert warmth in February. Valentine’s Day was a familial disaster of epic proportions; so be it.

Spring provided me with the incentive to get my health back to optimal and after losing some 30 pounds I got off “Big Pharm” meds for Type II diabetes and high blood pressure. Never again will I let myself go like that. Summer was great for grad school preparation and immersing myself in studying Che Guevara and other topics which resonated with me. It was damn hot, but a damn good summer.

Autumn may be on the calendar but in Phoenix its not really a season. Its more about us Phoenicians praying for the summer to die already. It wasn’t until November when temps started to drop into a comfortable range again. I made my first ever entire traditional Thanksgiving meal with all the trimmings; turkey, stuffing, sweet potatoes (topped with marshmallows), green bean casserole, cranberry sauce, gravy and hot rolls. Apple and pumpkin pie with whipped cream for dessert (Costco bought). It was a great day to eat and watch football.

December came with a 4.0 GPA from my first grad school semester and even more significant, a paradigm shift in my outlook on life and my future.

2015 is looking very good.

From somewhere colder than the brochure said it would be,


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